How Gaps in Treatment Threaten Your LTD Case

When you are facing a disability that prevents you from working, it can be difficult and overwhelming to keep up with your disability claim in addition to your recovery. However, it is important to keep a consistent treatment plan as recommended by your doctors while pursuing a long-term disability insurance claim, not only for your health and well-being but to protect your long-term disability insurance benefits. If you experience a gap in treatment for your disability, you can rely on a Philadelphia long-term disability insurance attorney at Seltzer & Associates to help you through the long-term disability process.

How the Disability Insurance Company Views Gaps in Treatment

Continuing treatment for your disabling condition is important to improve your quality of life, but it is also essential to preserve your disability insurance benefits. A significant gap in treatment may signal a lack of severity in your disabling condition to the insurance company.  It is critical that you follow the treatment recommendations of your medical care providers.

Disability insurance companies continually evaluate disability claims and review the insured’s eligibility to continue receiving disability insurance benefits. The insurance company will request records of ongoing treatment and other information from your doctors and other medical experts regarding the claimant’s functional capacity and progress toward recovery. As the insurance company periodically reviews your file, you should also continue to supplement the file with additional information demonstrating continuing disability and the restrictions and limitations preventing you from working. You should obtain this information as you continue with your treatment. Without updated medical records documenting appropriate care, insurance companies will look to terminate disability insurance benefits. This is why having a Philadelphia long-term disability insurance attorney on your side is most important.

Treatment gaps may be a significant threat to your long-term disability insurance benefits because they may create the false impression that your conditions have improved or resolved. Treatment gaps could be caused by hardships such as the COVID-19 pandemic, or they could be due to disabling medical conditions where further treatment will not benefit the outcome.

Contact a Philadelphia Long-Term Disability Insurance Attorney

At Seltzer & Associates, we know how gaps in medical treatment for your disability can threaten your LTD case. With years of nationwide experience representing clients in their long-term disability insurance benefit claims, a Philadelphia long-term disability insurance attorney at our firm can demonstrate your ongoing need for disability insurance benefits and is also equipped to combat the threats to your long-term disability claim from a gap in treatment. Contact Seltzer & Associates to discuss your disability insurance benefits today.