All long-term disability insurance polices contain some form of a physician’s care requirement. This requirement is often built into the definition of disability, but can sometimes be found as its own free-standing requirement in your policy. Appropriate physician’s care usually means receiving the appropriate care from the appropriate treatment provider for the condition causing your disability. The language in your policy may differ slightly, however, if you follow the appropriate care from the appropriate provider guideline you will generally be in compliance with the requirement in your policy.

You must understand that your disability insurance company will at all times require every line item in your policy to be satisfied before it will be obligated to pay you benefits. The appropriate physician’s care requirement is no exception. It is unfortunately too often taken for granted that any medical care received is appropriate. It is also often misunderstood that even if no care is received, the fact that the care may not help your medical condition means that the appropriate care provision of your policy is either satisfied or does not need to be satisfied.

Contact Seltzer & Associates to discuss your policy and make sure you are in compliance with the appropriate physician care requirement in your policy.

Read More: Appropriate Care In Disability Insurance