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Author: Seltzer & Associates

A Legal Perspective at ASAM 2017

Apr 6, 2017 in Articles by

Mark Seltzer will be presenting today at The ASAM Pain & Addiction Course at The ASAM 48th Annual Conference. A Legal Perspective will present legal issues that may impact you as the treating addictionologist / addiction psychiatrist / addiction psychologist / licensed healthcare professional and what steps you can take to protect yourself in view of those issues. Additionally, your patient may have a variety of legal issues for which you should be aware.

Medical Record Copying Fees

Mar 21, 2017 in Articles by

In most states, healthcare providers and facilities are permitted to charge a patient or their representative for copies of medical records. The cost of copying medical records is generally controlled by statute or regulation in each state. Additionally, federal law requires “covered entities” to limit fees for medical record copying to “a reasonable, cost-based fee.” Below is the fee information for each state. Some states update the fees annually, while others have codified the fees in statute or regulations. We try to keep the information below as up-to-date as possible, please check the appropriate source if you believe the information […]

Representing Dentists in Individual and Long-Term Disability Insurance Claims

Feb 13, 2017 in Articles by

Seltzer & Associates represents professionals and executives, including dentists, in all aspects of individual and long-term disability insurance claims. See our ad in the January/February 2017 Pennsylvania Dental Journal and explore our website to learn more about how physiological impairments, psychiatric and psychological impairments, and addiction can force dentists to stop working or reduce how much they work, therefore entitling them to potential disability benefit. If you need assistance filling, appealing or maintaining your disability claim, call our office at 888-699-4222 to speak with one of our attorneys today.

DOL Changes to ERISA Employee Disability Benefit Provision

Jan 9, 2017 in Articles by

In December, the U.S. Department of Labor (“DOL”) released its Final Rule amending the Claims Procedure rule regulating claim handling for ERISA governed disability benefits. In conjunction with the release of the Final Rule, the DOL released a Fact Sheet explaining the changes to this rule, 29 CFR 2560.503-1. Beginning in January 2018, ERISA governed plans will be required to make a number of changes to their claim handling that should be beneficial to disability claimants. Below are highlights from the fact sheet, along with an explanation of how these new rules affect you, the claimant. Improvement to Basic Disclosure […]

Welcome to

Nov 21, 2016 in Articles by

Welcome to the newly redesigned We look forward to continuing to keep you up to date on legal developments regarding Individual Disability Insurance, Long Term Disability, and ERISA matters in the area of disability. Additionally, you can read more about the legal services we provide and select publications from some of our attorneys throughout our website. If you believe you have an Individual Disability or Long Term Disability claim that we can help you with, please contact our office today at 888-699-4222 to speak with one of our attorneys.

Persons Who Cannot Sit for More Than Four Hours Per Day Cannot Perform Sedentary Work, Says Ninth Circuit

Nov 11, 2016 in Articles by

In a November 4, 2016 ruling, The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a Central District of California ruling when it concluded an individual who cannot sit for four hours a day cannot perform sedentary work. In 2011, Avery Armani suffered a back injury while at work. He was covered under a group long-term disability insurance policy issued by Northwestern Mutual provided by his employer. Following his back injury, Mr. Armani sought treatment from chiropractors, pain specialists, and physicians. Each treatment provider confirmed Mr. Armani was not capable of sitting more than four hours per day because of his lumbar […]

Third Circuit Reminds Disability Claimants to See the Doctor

May 23, 2016 in Articles by

Orthopedic Surgeon John Duda filed a claim for disability benefits with The Standard for his long-term disability (“LTD”) benefits and Lincoln for his individual disability benefits due to a wrist injury. Both Standard and Lincoln determined Dr. Duda did not qualify for disability benefits under each of his policies. However, each company cited different reasons for their decisions. Following the denial of disability benefits by each company, Dr. Duda sued each Standard, under federal ERISA law, and Lincoln, under Pennsylvania breach of contract and bad faith law, for disability benefits. The United States District for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania […]

3rd Circuit Vacates District Court Summary Judgment Opinion in Favor of Sun Life Over Discretionary Language Dispute

Mar 24, 2016 in Articles by

The United States Court of Appeals for the 3rd Circuit recently vacated the summary judgment opinion of the District Court of New Jersey in Baker v. Sun Life and Health Ins Co. Following Sun Life’s denial of continued long-term disability benefits, Kenneth Baker filed suit against Sun Life in New Jersey District Court. At conflict was whether Mr. Baker’s policy of disability insurance contained language granting discretionary authority to Sun Life in determining whether to award Mr. Baker disability benefits. If the policy contained discretionary language, a court could only review Sun Life’s decision under the arbitrary and capricious standard […]

First Circuit Requires Plan Administrators to Include Time Limitations for Civil Actions in Denial Letters

Mar 21, 2016 in Articles by

A plan participant sued MetLife claiming an improper denial of his long-term disability benefits under ERISA. Participant Dionisio Santana-Díaz was a financial analyst at Shell Chemical and a participant in the company’s employee welfare benefit plan issued by Metropolitan Life Insurance Company (“MetLife”). Mr. Santana-Díaz suffered from major depression, high blood pressure, asthma and various other physical and mental conditions and stopped working. He received sick leave and then short-term disability benefits. After being out of work for five months, Mr. Santana-Díaz submitted his claim for long-term disability benefits and was eventually awarded LTD benefits. About a year and a […]

Long Term Disability In The News – Continued

Mar 2, 2016 in Articles by

The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas, on February 19, 2016, granted in part and denied in part Dewayne Curtis’ motion to compel discovery from MetLife. While discovery in ERISA actions is generally limited, in this case, the court required MetLife to answer some of Mr. Curtis’ questions in the form of interrogatories. The court required MetLife “to more fully describe the policy and methods used to determine compensation for the claims and appeals specialists who handled Plaintiff’s claim, such as any policy or method for determining and calculating bonuses, pay increases, or gain sharing.” However, MetLife […]