Back Pain and Back Injuries Cause Years of Disability and Significant Costs

Millions of Americans suffer from back pain every year. From short-term episodes to chronic suffering from back pain, this is an ongoing problem in terms of our population’s physical and economic health. The economic cost of lost wages and treating back pain and injuries is high. Those who suffer from disabling back pain experience the cost of treatment, lost income, and potential career loss. Short-term and long-term disability insurance benefits offer replacement income when medical professionals cannot continue working in their medical careers due to disabling back pain. That said, physicians who are suffering from a disabling back condition and cannot continue their medical careers need to claim their disability insurance benefits promptly to alleviate the financial strain of lost income.

Seltzer & Associates takes back pain and injury complaints seriously. We ensure our clients have someone in their corner when back pain and injuries become debilitating and force them out of their careers. We represent medical professionals, executives, and others who have had their careers interrupted due to a disability. You do not have to suffer disabling back pain alone. Seltzer & Associates has decades of experience representing clients nationwide and is ready to discuss your claim for disability insurance benefits.

The Rate of Back Pain is Rising

More and more people are experiencing back pain for a variety of reasons. Incidents of chronic low back pain have been dramatically increasing over the past few decades. Approximately 80% of Americans suffer from back pain, with 8% suffering chronic back pain that limits the ability to do even routine activities. While all cases may not result in long-term, debilitating suffering, the number of disabling back pain and injury cases is significant. Additionally, your condition is unique to you. If you are unable to work due to your back injury and associated treatment, you need to pursue your disability insurance benefits. 

Back Pain is a Leading Cause of Disability Globally

Back pain is a leading cause of disability worldwide. The Bureau of Labor Statistics finds that nursing professionals experience the most back pain and back injuries. There are several contributing factors to low back pain that affect medical professionals, including:

  • Sedentary work –  This can include sitting while conducting research and reviewing patient files
  • Aging – Physicians and surgeons study and train for years before settling into their careers. By the time they are established medical professionals, age becomes an increased risk factor for back pain
  • Anxiety and stress – This occurs in many medical professionals due to the high demands of patient care and an overburdened medical system in the United States
  • Back injuries – Often happen from on-the-job accidents

Moreover, back pain can indicate other serious ailments or underlying causes, including tumors or other spinal issues such as degenerative disorders or herniated discs. These other conditions can be disabling. Additionally, the treatments for the back can contribute to disability status. Certain pain medications can cause significant side effects that impact one’s ability to practice medicine, especially cognitive impairments, mood disorders, and addiction. All of these conditions need to be treated, which may result in added time away from your medical career to treat your back pain and all associated disabling conditions.

Economic Costs Associated with Disabling Back Pain 

Back pain is the 6th most expensive health problem in the United States. There are undeniable costs of treating back pain, whether through medication, therapy, surgery, or other medical care prescribed. It is estimated that Americans spend over $50 billion per year on treating their back pain. Another financial cost is the lost wages of workers who cannot work due to back pain and related injuries. This is where disability insurance benefits can help those disabled by back pain by replacing this lost income stream while sufferers are out of work.

It is estimated that, overall, back pain costs the United States over $600 billion when all these factors are considered. What many people do not recognize is the lost labor productivity costs that affect our economy. Lowered productivity costs an estimated $100 billion each year as well. These are some staggering numbers, but disability insurance benefits can at least help the insured suffering from back pain continue an income stream when they are out of work due to disabling back pain. 

Back Pain and Back Injuries are Serious Concerns for Disability Insurance Benefits

As a society, we need to take back pain and related injuries more seriously and provide support to those suffering. While most of the published research is very technical in its presentation, the takeaway results reveal that back pain and back injuries have been affecting more people in severe ways that become disabling and keep people out of work. Low back pain was also found to be the leading cause of years of living with a disability. These findings demonstrate that long-term disability insurance benefits are necessary for those suffering from disabling back pain as chronic back pain is a serious health concern. With chronic back pain on the rise, those suffering and unable to work need the replacement income and financial security that disability insurance benefits provide. 

Due to back pain and back injuries being so common, disability insurance companies may deny claims with back pain as a disabling condition. They may also terminate disability insurance benefits after a period of time, but you may still be entitled to receive those benefits if you remain unable to work due to your back pain or back injury. If either of these instances applies to you, you need to contact a long-term disability appeal lawyer to review your claim. Disability insurance appeals have strict deadlines that must be met to preserve your claim and benefits. Your back injury lawyer can help keep your claim organized and timely to meet the requirements set by law and your disability insurance company.

Schedule Your Free Consultation

If your back pain or injury has stopped you from maintaining your career, you need to schedule your free consultation with an experienced disability insurance lawyer at Seltzer & Associates. Call us at 888-699-4222 or complete our online contact form to discuss your claim for disability insurance benefits.