Did You Know? You Only Have A Limited Amount of Time To File A Civil Suit When Your Long-Term Disability Claim Is Denied…

Aug 15, 2014 - Articles by

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals1 recently reaffirmed that Long-Term Disability insurance carriers are required to notify you of your rights for a review and its time limits when they deny your disability claim. The federal law ERISA provides rules governing claims procedures that Insurers must follow when denying your disability claim.

MetLife can’t use its own failure to properly notify an individual of his policy rights to deny his right of judicial review. MetLife’s failure to comply with the ERISA rules requiring notice of the policy provisions allowed the individual to sue MetLife, regardless of the time-limitation clause in his Long Term Disability Plan.

1. Moyer v. Metro. Life Ins. Co., 13-1396, 2014 WL 3866073 (6th Cir. Aug. 7, 2014)